
Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

By May 24, 2021 No Comments

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative : Mindbody is business management software. It works as an appointment scheduling app. It is specially designed to schedule spa, gym and saloon appointments.  It focuses on serving fitness, wellness and beauty related services and guidance.  It is widely integrated with almost all the leading business sectors. To specify scheduling, the software lacks behind.

Mindbody appointment scheduling app has got overall rating of 4/5. On the basis of performance and customer support, the ratings decline than mentioned. Long terms users find their customer support worst in due course.

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

As mindbody scheduling software is made for gym, spa and saloon, it needs special features in addition. Some of the lacking features are,

  • Upgraded UI
  • Tracking bookings
  • Managing bookings
  • Report customization
  • Managing files
  • Analysis
  • Team management
  • Staff management
  • Visitor management & wait list management
  • Scheduling tasks & management
  • Website management
  • Group scheduling


Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Not simple

Mindbody scheduling app is not simple to access. Initially it is tricky and complex to understand the features and settings. Even after 7 or 8 years long term use, certain features are not accessible easily. User should ask the support service to use features. Technical professionals and IT people can access it better. Thus it is not meant for every user. This is a main drawback about scheduling with this software.

Not for small business entrepreneurs

Mindbody is not suitable for the convenience of small business people. It is due to the lack of marketing and branding features of this software. The customers and clients will be in out of reach with this software. Well established brands and organizations use to this software. They are not in need of promoting their business. They have professionals to understand the features of this software too.

Highly expensive

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Almost all the users have this complaint about mindbody scheduling software. It is too pricy. Even leading brands and organizations find it quite expensive. Monthly subscription itself is too pricy.  Starting price for monthly subscription is $129. Not only medium and small business people feel mindbody scheduling expensive; but big organizations also feel the same. In all the reviews it is the sole complaint that you can see everywhere.

Partial services

As told $ 129 as a starting price to access basic features of appointment scheduling, the charges will be more for further upgrades. Initial price level is too expense. For that expense, the given service is very basic. Though business people afford paying, they cannot get all advanced services. You can get nothing for free even a demo.

With that the service is not up to the mark of its pricing. They have given two further levels of subscription. Second level is for $239 per month. This service can provide further text confirmation. Thirdly for $349 only you can get advanced marketing tools, automations and analytics. It is like biased services to customers on the basis of money.

No demo or trial

Users are not given any demo or trial session. Demo and trials can help users to opt for the scheduling app. Trials can suggest people to access the features of the app. On the basis of it, the users can decide the suitability of app to their business. Nothing is free regarding Mindbody software. Atleast, they could have given demo and trails for the users to try before subscribing. This is like taking a chance by subscribing and experimenting it.

Poor customer support

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Mindbody gives poor customer support. Users cannot reach the customer support service when they are in need. To clarify and get their queries, users can only ask the customer support service. Often the support service is out of reach. If it is reached, then there will be no support or guidance. Accessing features is challenging in Mindbody.

Support service is also unavailable. Long term users are stating that the service provider never bothers about the satisfactory experience of users; never bothers about losing a customer too.

Tricky features

Certain features of this software are not understandable. It is so tricky. Simple scheduling also needs huge effort. Very purpose of switching to scheduling app is easing the process. But it is not happening with this software. Only after 7 to 8 years of using, the user can get to know all features and tools.

App can show its efficiency but not in this way. User- friendly software is what needed. It is neither effective nor helpful. To access the basic features, you need to be a pro in technical knowledge.

Basic features

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Indeed Mindbody software has all the advancements, it is not for all. Other scheduling apps give basic features for free. But mindbody charges high and giving basic features for access. Only after paying initial subscriptions, you will be given access to basic features. It is an intolerable drawback in using mindbody.

For every sing feature, you should pay in excess. That too the difference is of $100. So, no one prefers going for second or third level of subscriptions. Ultimately, users can get basic features to schedule appointments.

Help services

Like all scheduling software, mindbody also has help services option. But it is for namesake. When you try getting help, there will be little response. Auto generated answers will be given for all queries. That answers will be given for limited times. Users find it really frustrating in using mindbody appointment scheduling software.

Too old

Features of mindbody software are too old and basic. Users complain about the old designs and features of this software. It looks outdated and unattractive. It lacks all advanced upgradation. User interface is also not up to the need of the modern needs.

Lack of upgrades

Coping up with the unique needs of business sector, the scheduling software needs modern upgrades. But mindbody scheduling software has nothing upgraded. It is as such in the initial days. Though it claims advanced modern tools for $349, the features are not worth paying. It is not accessible and beneficial to the users. It would be better, if they atleast upgrade their marketing tools.

No customized tools

Mindbody scheduling software can never give any customized features and tools. Scheduling may vary from field to field. As per the unique need of the specified business, there should be changes in tools. For this customization, the customer service should help the users. But mindbody fails to meet the need of the users. If they heed to the needs of the user, then it will be helpful to some extent.

Unexplained charges

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Users do not have to pay this much early for scheduling. It is way expensive than any other efficient scheduling software. In addition to this charges, some may pay in excess for no reason. Service provider must give a solid reason for additional charges. But it is not so. The customer support service is also out of reach. Paying extra for experiencing the same service is yet again a big drawback.

Single account

User may have many businesses in her/his care. In that case, a single account of scheduling software is not necessary. User can never have the control over bookings of all his business. Only one account can be created and accessed. For every business, the user cannot pay and subscribe scheduling software. This is so challenging for users.

Considering all these cons, users may in search of better alternate.

Hupport is the World’s no 1 appointment scheduling software. It can replace mindbody in all possible ways. It can give more modern features with customization. Economically also it is very cheap. Mainly, Hupport helps to schedule the appointments of your gym, saloon and spa.

Here given reasons for preferring Hupport over mindbody scheduling software as a good alternate.

Hupport is best alternative

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative



Hupport fixes appointments in slots. Based on the workflow and working hours, slots are there in the software. It will be given clearly with the reference of dates. These slots will be available to the clients. Clients can fix appointments in the left out slots as per their convenience. Slots are very unique feature of Hupport. This can be never seen in other similar scheduling apps.

Free of cost

Hupport gives the users 14 days of free trial. Clients can sign up and have your free account by single click. It is not biased with its users. It provides same service to all its users. This is an extremely good aspect of Hupport scheduling software. Thus it is economical, cheap, and free of cost.


There is a fixed calendar in Hupport. It is viewable to the clients. This calendar helps to know off days and cancelled schedules. It can also show the blocked dates when there is no appointments getting booked. This again helps the clients to fix appointments to match with their availability.

If a client is approaching for spa or massage therapy, they can choose a relaxing timing on their own. Then it can be directly entered into the slots. Confirmation messages will be sent by the software.

Automated bookings

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Without any manual interventions, you can get your appointments booked. You need not contact the spa or parlor staff to ask for appointments. Once you put your availability in the slot, responses will be sent automatically. These auto generated messages are for the confirmation purpose. Hupport is thus highly reliable and user-friendly.

Integration with digital platforms

Hupport has its integrated digital platforms. This takes your spa and massage parlor to a step higher. It can reach considerable other users in various fields. This marketing or branding is possible only with the help of Hupport scheduling software. You can also keep in contact with your clients.

Thereby, you can give updates of your parlors and spa. It is not told that all the clients use one specific digital platform. They may be active in various platforms. Thus this integration helps the users the best.

Block and cancel appointments

By switching to Hupport, both the clients and users can block and cancel appointments. Often cancelling appointments is not done by the clients. They do not bother about the schedule of the spa or parlor. The therapist and the spa people can block appointments on their unavailable days. This is possible only with the help of Hupport.

Making payments

Making payments is also easy with Hupport. This is one modern feature that helps scheduling better. Payment options are viewable to the clients. Clients will find it very helpful. They can pay as per their convenience and availability. They can also make online payments and get confirmation messages in return.

Tracking appointments

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

You can track the appointments of your clients. Often clients forget about their appointments. Frequent messages and mails can help to remind your clients regarding the schedule. You can keep tracking your clients till the schedule.


Hupport gives a statistical and analytical view of your schedules and appointments. It gives a clear picture of booked appointments; waiting clients and cancelled appointments. This database can help you to have the overall view of bookings. You can control it at any time. You can block, cancel and re- fix schedules as per your choice. This analytical feature is found nowhere than Hupport.


Missed appointments can be schedules on the preference of the clients. For spa and massage people think of their convenience more. They want to take service on their relaxed schedules. At those times, their schedules can be rescheduled.

Customer support service

Mindbody cons and Hupport the best alternative

Hupport is known for its best customer support services. It can give all the adequate information on the request of the clients. It has gained reliability and trust of millions of users. Customized features are also designed for the unique need of the clients. Service provider of Hupport concerns the clients’ satisfactory experience in scheduling.

Linked in videos and infrastructure

You can give the infrastructure of your spa and parlor. You can also add videos of trained therapies and sessions taken in your spa and parlor. This again helps promoting your business to the next level.

Thus Hupport is better than all scheduling software used so far. Thus it has got 5/5 for its overall performance and customer support.

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