Massage Therapists

Health Problems and Issues Massage Therapists Face That No One Knows

By March 2, 2021 No Comments

Massage therapy is a physically demanding job that requires massage therapists to stand or bend over for long hours.

Most massage therapists encounter different health problems and issues in the course of their practice.

Reasons why massage therapists encounter health problems

There are certain reasons why massage therapists encounter certain health problems and issues in the course of their practice. These include:

1. Force

why massage therapists encounter health problems

why massage therapists encounter health problems

Massage therapists apply force when doing their job. Applying force is a part of massage practice. Force can be applied in a variety of ways in massage practice. Some are more constant and persistent than others, like the deep tissue work or gripping tissue and holding trigger point work.

Lifting your client’s leg during a massage session is also an example of force applied. Moving your massage table from one location to another also requires force.

2. Awkward postures

Awkward postures, like bent wrists, leaning, or reaching too far over the table can cause injuries or health problems. Not keeping your head and neck in a neutral position when providing massage can cause a variety of injuries. Always be aware of your body mechanics and practice good body positioning.

3. Repetition

Massaging with the hands and fingers requires repetition. Repetitive movements of the hands and fingers can cause certain injuries.

Common Injuries and health problems that massage therapists encounter

Common Injuries and health problems that massage therapists encounter

Common Injuries and health problems that massage therapists encounter

1. Rotator cuff injuries

This injury is caused as a result of excessive shoulder work and neck tension from keeping the head bent down for a long period of time.

A group of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder joint in place is known as the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff allows you to move your arm and shoulder in any direction. When part of the rotator cuff becomes irritated or damaged, problems can occur. This can cause pain, weakness and reduced range of motion in your shoulder.

2. Wrist tendonitis

This occurs from bending the wrist while applying too much force at the same time.

Irritation and inflammation of the tendons around the wrist joint are known as wrist tendonitis. Repetitive stress on the tendons while massaging can cause this condition.

Wrist tendonitis can cause pain and stiffness in the wrist. Your wrist will also feel tender and sore when you put pressure on it.

3. Low back pain

Low back pain Issues for Massage Therapists

Low back pain

This is one of the most common health problems faced by massage therapists. It is caused due to bending over for a long period of time.

Massage therapists always bend over to give massage. This can lead to low back pain.

4. Carpal tunnel syndrome

This is a tingling or weakness that is caused by pressure on the nerves in the hand.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway that is surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm area. When the median nerve is compressed, it can cause tingling or weakness in the hand.

5. Shoulder impingement syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome occurs because massage therapists use their shoulders a lot. It is a common cause of shoulder pain.

This condition is caused by inflammation that occurs from repetitive shoulder activities.

Shoulder impingement syndrome causes sudden pain in your shoulder when you lift your arm overhead or backward.

6. Postural neck strain

Postural neck strain Issues for Massage Therapists

Postural neck strain

Postural neck pain is pain felt in the neck which is caused due to poor neck posture. This pain can occur after long periods of poorly adopted posture.

Long periods of poorly adopted posture put stress on the surrounding structures supporting your head.

7. Musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders are disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs. Massage therapists are at risk of musculoskeletal disorders due to the nature of their job.

8. Body aches

Body aches Issues Massage Therapists

Body aches

Body ache is also known as body pain. Due to the long hours of bending over and massaging the body, massage therapists face the risk of having body aches.

9. Muscle soreness

Muscle soreness is when you feel pain in your muscles. Muscle soreness can occur due to overuse of the muscles. Standing for long periods of time and constantly using your hand muscles can cause muscle soreness.

10. Fatigue

General body fatigue or tiredness is another health issue that is faced by massage therapists.

11. Tenosynovitis

Tenosynovitis Issues Massage Therapists


This is the inflammation of the tendon sheath at the point where the muscle connects to the bone. It is a painful condition that mostly affects the hands, wrists and feet.

Repetitive use of the hand and wrists by massage therapists is the reason why they are faced with this painful condition.

12. Trigger fingers

Trigger fingers Issues for Massage Therapists

Trigger fingers

Trigger finger is a condition whereby one of your fingers gets stuck in a bent position and may straighten with a snap.

Trigger finger occurs when inflammation narrows the space within the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the finger.

Repetitive hand use and prolonged gripping increase the risk of trigger fingers.

13. Bursa injuries in the shoulder

Bursitis of the shoulder occurs when the top of the arm bone and the tip of the shoulder start to swell and turn reddish.

Overuse of the shoulder is a common cause of this condition.

14. Bursa injuries in the elbows

Bursa injuries in the elbows Issues for Massage Therapists

Bursa injuries in the elbows

Bursitis can also occur in your elbows causing pain and limiting movement. Overuse of the elbows can cause this condition.

15. Leg pain

Standing for long periods of time can cause leg pain.

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